Do you want to spend more time at the gym, but keep losing track of your goal? Do you struggle to read more, or lose weight, or denote more time to social activities? Everyone has their own unique formula for their success: waking up early every day, staying committed, drinking a lot of coffee… or simply working hard.

But if you find yourself struggling with achieving even the simplest of goals, the answer to your problem may be as simple as following the three steps in the video above, or the “3 Secrets Of Success (in 59 seconds).”

Richard Wiseman, Professor of the Public Understanding of Psychology at the University of Hertfordshire in the U.K., explains how simple it can be to achieve your dreams.

Tell Your Friends And Family (Pledge)

Yes, talking instead of doing is usually no good. But in some ways, telling your close group of family and friends can actually be beneficial in jumpstarting your goal. For one thing, you’ll be more afraid of failure and less likely to quit — because other people are relying on you and also pushing and supporting you.

Break Your Goal Into A Series Of Small Steps (Plan)

Sometimes, goals can seem monumental and overwhelming. You want to go to medical school, but you have to get through little things first: like buying school supplies, attending prerequisite classes, and doing well on tests before you can move onto your next step — applications. Rome wasn’t built in one day, and neither will your dreams.

Wiseman suggests making a detailed plan to help you break up your goal into small chewable pieces. This way, each day you’ll have little tasks (like spending 15 minutes at the gym) that are more achievable than huge ones. These baby steps will slowly but surely lead you to your ultimate goal.

Keep Track Of Your Progress (Plot)

Lastly, keeping track of your progress will help moralize you and remind you how far you’ve come (it can also be a reminder of when you fall of the horse).

Next time you feel yourself slipping from your track of action, remember the three P’s.