You (And Your Baby) Are What You Eat: Brazil's Pediatric Society of Rio Grande Promotes Healthy Breastfeeding Diets

Brazilian pediatric organization SPRS has come up with a shocking way to try and get women to understand the importance of good nutrition while breastfeeding, by featuring images of babies suckling from breasts painted with depictions of unhealthy food.
Human breast milk is composed of a variety of proteins, fats, vitamins, and carbohydrates, which give babies all the nutrients they need to grow a strong immune system. Due to excess energy requirements, pregnant women and new moms are advised to increase their daily calorie intake by about 500 calories per day.
However, new research suggests that increasing calorie intake is not the only dietary adjustment mothers should make. A recent study conducted by Robert Waterland, a professor at the Baylor College of Medicine in Texas revealed that healthy diets of pregnant women actually affected the genetic expression of their babies and protected them from developing tumors. Unfortunately, unhealthy diets were found to negatively affect the child’s immune system.