Yoga studios are typically filled with more women than men; aside from the occasional guy who’s going there just to see yoga pants. But now there’s a new and "manly" form of yoga that many males are taking on — dubbed “broga.”

Despite what many guys may think, “Yoga is not just for girls,” Matt Miller, a bodybuilder and nutrition expert who came up with the idea, told Men’s Fitness. “Every athlete needs to incorporate elements of stretching and lengthening into their program.”

Miller’s broga focuses on strength and stretching and believes that yoga is a good way for any athlete or fitness fanatics to tone their muscles in positions they normally don't experience. In addition, broga aims to reverse many of the positions we find ourselves stuck in on a daily basis — such as being hunched or slouched over our computers.

“Broga helps with your mobility, flexibility, strength, core, balance and also an increased blood flow to your muscles, all which can help with weight loss,” Jack Braniff, a personal trainer, told the Daily Mail. “Increased mobility, in particularly hip and shoulder will see a marked improvement in your big lifts, full ROM (range of motion) squats, deadlifts, overhead press etc., and especially the Olympic lifts. All tools to get massive.”

Most yoga programs incorporate spirituality and meditation, but Miller aims to keep his broga more down to earth. But he still sees some women in his classes: “We get quite a few ladies at the classes,” he said. “Most of them are looking for a no-nonsense style that will build strength alongside flexibility.” The good thing about yoga in general is that it’s about preventing athletic injuries, not causing them. So for people who have bad joints from running, or play contact sports, yoga — or broga — might be a good match. For more examples of the types of positions you might undergo in broga, click here, and for information about classes and events, visit the broga website.

“Although the breathing and chanting does have its place to help calm,” Braniff said, “you take what you want from yoga, and in my case it’s a more structured way to improve my mobility and help with my other gym activities, not to meditate.”