Dried fruits are not only a great convenient snack, but also they contain compounds that can protect cells from damage, as well as a host of additional health benefits. They are concentrated with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber.

According to a study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, conducted by researchers from the University of Scranton, dried fruits, such as figs, are a great source of nutrients. Researchers discovered dried fruits have fiber content and is fill with phenol antioxidants. Antioxidants are important because they can help prevent an individual's risk of developing several diseases.

Furthermore dried fruits can help combat health conditions such as fatigue, constipation, high blood pressure and bladder infections.

When feeling fatigued dates should be your choice of dried fruit. Dates are loaded with iron, fiber, niacin, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin B, calcium, phosphorous and copper. Dates also have a low rank on the low glycemic index, which means they release glucose relatively low in the blood stream. This keeps energy levels steady.

If you are constipated the best dried fruit to consume are, no surprise, prunes. Prunes are dried plumes that are rich in fiber, phytochemicals and they are cholesterol-free. They are loaded with soluble fiber which acts as natural laxatives that soften the stool and promote movement through the intestines.

For those who suffer from high blood pressure, dried apricots should be your choice of dried fruit. Dried apricots are low in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium. It also provides a good source of potassium and vitamin A. Dried apricots contain more than three times the amount of potassium compared to bananas. According to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, consuming a healthy diet with foods loaded with potassium and low in saturated fat and cholesterol such as dried apricots can protect against high blood pressure and heart disease.

Both men and women suffer from bladder infections, however women suffer from reoccurring bladder infections. To prevent future infections, dried cranberries should be your preferred dried fruit. Proanthocyanidins, which are found in cranberries, constrain the bacteria that cause urinary tract infections.

However keep in mind, dried fruits contain more calories than fresh fruit, so consume in moderation.