Just by definition alone, homeopathic medicine can’t work. The 18th century idea that heavily diluted medicine helps the body fight its own illness doesn’t stand up to the modern rigors of physics and chemistry. And YouTube’s Science Babe wants to prove it…by taking an entire bottle of sleeping pills.

The field of homeopathy is widely considered pseudoscience, yet pharmacies like CVS Health and Walgreens continue to carry entire shelffuls, for various ailments, because consumers aren’t sure whether actual medicine could be more harmful. For what it’s worth, the Wikipedia entry for Homeopathy mentions the word “placebo” 47 times. It’s no accident. Any effects you feel must be coming from your brain because there’s no actual medicine to do the work.

“I don’t know about you, but if I’ve just had an allergic reaction I don’t want the homeopathic version of epinephrine for my medication,” Science Babe explains. “If I’ve just had surgery, I don’t want the homeopathic version of morphine. I want the real shot.”

Homeopathic remedies rely on the false scientific notion that water somehow has a “memory,” and the more you dilute a medicine, the stronger that memory gets and the more potent the medicine becomes. But in cutting the active ingredient in a particular medicine, all you do is remove the important stuff. Homeopathic medicine does that until the medicine disappears, and it does it on purpose.

To fight this ignorance, Science Babe has started a petition on Change.org calling for companies like CVS Health and Walgreens to quit selling homeopathic medicine. “People will still buy products from your stores,” the petition states, “but instead they'll buy products that actually work with proven claims.”