In honor of Mustache November, known as Movember, men everywhere are growing out their mustaches in order to bring awareness to prostate and testicular cancer. The movement came to fruition in 2009, when the “Mo Bros” in Melbourne, Australia decided to spot mustaches throughout the month of November. Movember should not to be confused, however, with No-Shave November, which is a separate charity that focuses not only on men's hair but also on women's, encouraging both to give up their hair removal and grooming routines for November. The organization's hope is that people will donate the money normally spent on waxing and shaving to the American Cancer Society.

Truth be told, women prefer men with a little facial stubble. This past year, researchers surveyed 350 women and 200 men and found that men who sported mustaches and beards were viewed as more masculine, healthier, and more likely to be good parents. “Women judged faces with heavy stubble as most attractive, and heavy beards, light stubble and clean-shaven faces as similarly less attractive,” according to the study authors, Barnaby Dixson and Robert Brooks.

So, in order to commemorate your mustaches, gentleman. We've compiled a list of seven mustachioed and bearded facts:

1. The oldest recorded mustache dates back to at around 300 B.C.

2. Not only are men seen as more attractive with it, but facial hair might also help protect against skin cancer. This past year, a study conducted at the University of Southern Queensland in Australia found that facial hair can prevent skin cancer against 90 to 95 percent of harmful UV rays.

3. A fancy way to say shaving is pogonotomy.

4. An Indian man holds the record for the longest growing mustache. According to Guinness World Records, Ram Singh Chauhan has a mustache that spans 14 feet long. He has been growing it since 1982, after a friend with a 7-foot-long mustache suggested it, the Huffington Post reports.

5. A man spends an average of five months of his life shaving if he starts at the age of 14 — assuming that he lives until he’s 75 years old.

6. In a deck of cards the King of Hearts is the only king without a mustache.

7. During the Victorian era, noblemen used mustache spoons to protect their mustaches when eating soup. It was made with a guard on its rim that acted as a barrier between mustache and soup.