A typical breast augmentation procedure involves the plastic surgeon making incisions underneath the breasts to insert the implant — which could include saline, silicone, or “gummy bear” implants — then sewing it up. While these operations still aim to minimize any scarring, there is another type of procedure that reduces scars in the breast area completely. Known as trans-umbilical breast augmentation (TUBA), this type of operation involves inserting the breast implants through an incision in the navel rather than in the breast tissue.

The gif below portrays the surgery, which has been touted as being less invasive than regular breast implants. However, TUBA also has several disadvantages: As it’s done without endoscopic help, the doctors can’t see inside the body and have to guide the tubes up to the breast tissue just by feel. In addition, doctors can’t use pre-filled implants as the saline is inserted through a tube. Fortunately, however, doctors are able to see the shape of the breasts during the surgery, which can help them make sure they’re in the right place. To learn more about the technique, read this.

If you’re a little freaked out about any breast augmentation surgeries, check out these different natural ways to enhance breast size.

Breast implants
Close up of TUBA surgery. Gif courtesy of Imgur