Natural. Fake. Skinny. Fat. Women’s bodies are constantly being labeled — and yet, none of them hit the mark.

A new video from BuzzFeedYellow asks women what they’re tired of hearing about their bodies. One woman is tired of hearing women say there are only five to six types of bodies, yet she doesn’t identify with any of them. Another is tired of hearing “real women” have curves, while another woman is tired of being considered a “feminazi” for not shaving her arms. “That’s just the way my body is,” she said.

More importantly, women are tired of their bodies being labeled at all, of being critiqued, debated, and the subject of political agenda and people’s unwarranted opinions. Point blank: women’s bodies are not up for discussion.

Because despite what anyone says or thinks, these women accept and love their bodies. They embrace whatever imperfection; they celebrate how healthy their body is; and they acknowledge their body is their own, no one else’s.

Plus, the “perfect body” type is constantly in flux. Recently, Greatist revealed in a single gif just how much the perfect female body has changed over the last 100 years, going from an hourglass figure, to flappers and heroine chic. Self-acceptance, on the other hand, is timeless.

Just see what these women have to say about the idea they shouldn't sweat or jiggle during a work out. Spoiler alert: it's pretty inspiring.