A Florida woman suffered the nasty side effects of a botched butt enhancement, after receiving injections from a person who claimed to be a licensed doctor.

When the woman, Sophely Ouk, received the results of CT scans that showed changes in her lungs, from the possibility of silicone going inside, doctors advised her to undergo surgery to remove the silicone so that her immune system could fight off any potential infections.

“One of the more commonly performed methods for silicone extractions involves liposuction with the use of hot or cold lasers. It is my opinion and Dr. (Daniel) Slobodianik’s opinion that liposuction will harm patients, a hot laser will cause the silicone to break, and then it hydrodissects and then it spreads,” Dr. Tansar Mir, a plastic surgeon who treated Ouk at Lennox Hill Hospital, told LiveScience in the video.

The goal for Mir would be to remove any kind of foreign bodies that they might find. That way, they can go in and properly redo the butt lift surgery. He attributes the desire for butt enhancement to popular culture’s increasing fascination with celebrities having abnormally large backsides.

“If you’re going to get plastic surgery, do it the right way,” Ouk said. “Pay the money to do it. Don’t look for the easy way out. If it’s going to cost you $10,000 to get the surgery that you want, then pay that. If it’s something like $2,000, then you’re gonna get what you pay for.”