The next time you use the excuses, “A gym membership is too expensive,” or “eating healthy costs a lot more than fast food,” consider Jacques Sayagh. This homeless bodybuilder lives on the street with his two dogs, panhandles for money, and still has the physique of a Greek god. At 50 years old, Sayagh hammers out pushups, hanging leg raises with makeshift ab straps, and resistance band exercises on his little corner of a street in France, much to the amazement of passersby.

“Bodybuilders are futurists, they dare everything. It’s a world that I like. I love them,” Sayagh told the director of this 6-minute documentary, Julien Goudichaud. “It’s better to run and be able to do whatever you want than be amorphous. Especially in 50.”

It would appear that a portion of Sayagh’s panhandling money goes to various workout supplements, including casein and whey protein, pure creatine powder, and vitamins. Sayagh explained that in preparation for the “Le Grand Prix Des Pyrenees” bodybuilding competition, he ate vegetables five to six days out of the week and cut down on water to push out whatever water was left in his body. Although weightlifting seems to be the focus of Sayagh’s life, he still has aspirations outside of bodybuilding.

“I have grandchildren, I don’t want them to think that their grandfather is an a**hole,” Sayagh added. “I want them to be proud of me, that’s all I want. And I have a son that I love.”