The release of the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy and movie has persuaded couples to switch from “vanilla sex” to BDSM. Thinking outside the box to act on sexual fantasies can add some sugar and spice between the sheets, but at what cost? Your genitals? Your life? While sex isn’t supposed to cause injuries or permanent damage, Alltime10s “10 Horrendously Painful Sex Injuries” video shows couples have managed to break and lose their genitals to power tools, and for some — their lives.

Every year, one-third of the adult population will experience a sex injury, making it more common than you think. Sex toys get stuck, and body parts can break when couples become reckless in the bedroom. Most of the time people do not admit sex is how they got injured, which leads to underreporting in sex injuries.

One of the most common sex-related injuries are usually small tears or cuts in the vagina, which can occur when sex is rough and there is not enough lubrication. One unnamed Maryland couple’s daring sexual escapade landed them in the emergency room after a man put a power saw in a dildo into a woman’s vagina, according to Alltime10s. The saw sliced through the sex toy and cut open the woman’s vagina. She luckily made a full recovery.

So a good rule of thumb is to leave power tools out of the bedroom, or any electricity-dependent devices. Kinky sex led to the death of a Pennsylvania woman, Kristen J. Taylor, after her husband, Toby Robert Taylor, hooked clips to her nipples and plugged the cord into an electric strip to shock her. The woman’s partner even placed a piece of electric tape over her mouth during the jolts, says Alltime10s. The man was charged with involuntary manslaughter and reckless endangerment.

Fifty Shades of Grey, vanilla sex may not be so bad after all.

Click on the video to see the other excruciatingly painful sex injuries that made Alltime10s' list.