Ever wanted to be your very own Ant-Person and take a peek into the inner workings of the human body? Well, thanks to the above video from Life Noggin, now you can.

Sure, the animation quality is no Disney/Marvel film, but the sights are still something to behold.

You can see the heart pumping as our lab human goes jogging; a still not-entirely digested pizza lunch navigating its way through his digestive system (otherwise known as a bolus); the inverted vision of a beautiful date that can’t help but give him gut butterflies; and how exactly the body breathes in oxygen and pumps out carbon dioxide.

Among one of the more interesting facts brought to us by Blocko, Life Noggin’s mascot? That pizza slice, no matter how vocariously we eat it, doesn’t simply rocket down our gullet like someone sliding a water chute. Instead, it’s funneled to the stomach (and its digestive juices) through the careful contraction of the muscles within the esophagus.

Here’s hoping the video gives you an extra appreciation for all the hidden things our bodies do for us every second of the day.