If you’ve been springing for guacamole on your Chipotle order as an excuse to get your good cholesterol, you might want to rethink that decision. While it’s commonly accepted that increased levels of high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), or good cholesterol, helps remove the bad from arteries, thus lowering heart disease, a new study says this might not be true for everyone. Researchers found that some people with more good cholesterol actually have a greater risk of heart disease.

Read:At Risk For A Heart Attack? You May Have Been Added To New Expanded Criteria Without Realizing It

An international team of scientists looked at 328 individuals with high levels of HDL-C due to a genetic mutation in one of their genes. Called the P376L variant, which affects the SCARB1 gene, the difference causes the body to produce high levels of good cholesterol. Then they looked at the DNA of 398 people with low levels of HDL-C to compare. Researchers found that those with the mutation had an 80 percent increased relative risk of the disease, though this gene difference is rare.

“These new findings suggest that the way in which HDL-C is handled by the body is more important in determining risk of a heart attack than the levels of HDL-C in the blood,” says Dr. Adam Butterworth, Ph.D, co-author of the study in a statement. “Only by understanding the underlying biology that links HDL-C with heart attacks can we develop new treatments to prevent them. These unexpected findings pave the way for further research into the SCARB1 pathway to identify new treatments to reduce heart attacks in the future.”

This is outside of one’s control, but there are plenty of things you can control to lower your risk of heart attacks:

Read: Nearly 25% Of People Who Suffer First Heart Attack Go On To Develop Heart Failure Within 4 Years

Give Up Diet Soda

According to Prevention, healthy postmenopausal women who drank two or more diet sodas daily were 30 percent more likely to have heart damage.

Get Some Sunshine

Prevention reports that not enough vitamin D can actually hurt your heart with a study showing that people deficient in the vitamin were 32 percent more likely to have coronary artery disease.

Listen To Music

A study from Oxford University found that listening to music can reduce the risk of blood pressure, which increases risk of heart attacks, writes the Global Diabetes Community in a blog post.

See Also:

The Science-Backed Diet For Health And Longevity: Eat 10 Servings Of Fruits And Vegetables A Day, Study Says

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