What do you get when you combine a little sister who just underwent anesthesia to get her wisdom teeth removed with two older brothers who love a good prank? A zombie apocalypse and difficult choice between family pets, of course.

Millicent Phillips was still loopy from the anesthesia when she left her dentist’s office, and little did she know her brothers Cabot and Barret had set up an elaborate zombie apocalypse hoax. It all started with one fake emergency alert broadcast in their car. "The Centers for Disease Control in Washington, D.C. has issued a viral outbreak warning," the faux PSA stated. "State and local officials have reported cases of high fever, nausea, death and even cannibalism... Stay in place until further notice."

Anesthesia tends to leave patients groggy, confused, and tired. Despite being in a drug-induced twilight, Millicent was surprisingly rational when it came to dealing with the impending zombie apocalypse. When Cabot came back to the car with gardening tools in hand, his sister quickly pointed out that a garden-hoe would be useless compared to the guns sitting in their house.

Later on, as the family made its escape to Mexico, her brothers wondered if they would have time to stop at Costco. Thankfully, Millicent was there, and cooler heads prevailed. "No, it's gonna be a bloodbath in there!" she said.

Cabot and Barrett eventually told their sister that the whole thing was a ruse and that they would be taking her home to finally get some rest — but not before they made Millicent decide between the family dog and their cat. Although she was seemingly callous in her decision making, Cabot cleared up any confusion for people worried about the family’s poodle who did not get included in their zombie apocalypse escape plan.