Do you know someone who uploads self-promoting selfies and is hyperfocused on her status and outward appearance? You may know a narcissist. They believe they’re smarter, better looking, and more important than others, which is why they deserve preferential treatment. This unique combination of traits sets the stage for a potential psychological disorder.

There are two types of narcissism — grandiose and vulnerable. Grandiose is more readily recognizable as the person is extroverted, dominant, and attention seeking. Vulnerable narcissists, on the other hand, are quiet, reserved, and feel entitled. A new video from TedEd explains the differences between types of narcissism, and the psychological treatments available that may help.

Narcissistic personality disorder is categorized as a mental illness that causes people to excessively preoccupy themselves with their own personal adequacy, power, vanity, and prestige, while comparing traits to those around them. Grandiose narcissism can develop from parents overpraising their child’s accomplishments and worth. Vulnerable narcissism is just the opposite; it's born from a self-preservation mechanism that's used to protect hurt feelings from damage, and is often the result of child abuse

Up to 6.2 percent of adults may have this psychological disorder, Children are exempt from the diagnosis because being self-centered is a part of natural childhood development as they learn how to fit into the world around them. By working on reflecting true and realistic outcomes, instead of inflated self worth, narcissists can develop a healthier understanding of themselves just as children learn to outgrow their own self- centeredness.

Watch the TedEd video to learn more.