What's Happening To Kanye West? We Asked A Psychologist For Her Opinion On His Twitter Rants

Ah, Yeezy.
The self-proclaimed deity and perennial mogul Kanye West is once again receiving a surge of media attention for his social media output — to the point where no tweeter could be in the dark about the coinciding release of his new album and fashion line. Kanye’s latest tweet-based pontifications have ranged from the promotional to the banal to the full-on adversarial, all as dizzyingly captivating as the next.
This is a God dream
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) February 15, 2016
Kanye’s larger-than-life persona, one fueled by the outsized and well-earned influence he’s had on pop culture for more than a decade, can’t help but leave us hanging onto his every word. For all our fascination with Mr. Kardashian, though, there’s often an underlying current of macabre curiosity, almost as if we’ve been given front row seats to see the world’s shakiest unicycle rider bike through a hurricane. Meanwhile, a certain question lingers on the tips of our tongues — just what is Kanye’s deal?
In that exploratory spirit, Medical Daily decided to enlist the help of Dr. Jean Twenge, an author and professor of Psychology at San Diego State University. Twenge has frequently explored the personality trait of narcissism, such as when she co-authored The Narcissism Epidemic, published in 2009. We asked Twenge to comb through Kanye’s tweets and give us her unfettered thoughts.
“We can compare the characteristics of narcissistic people to some of Kanye West's tweets,” she told Medical Daily. “Many of his tweets are classic examples of these characteristics.”
For one, there’s grandiosity:
I’m this generation's Disney… I want to bring dope shit to the world…
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) February 15, 2016
I am the Jordan and Steph Curry of music, meaning I'm the best of 2 generations.
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) February 15, 2016
Then there’s entitlement, defined by Twenge as expecting others to provide for one's needs:
but I need access to more money in order to bring more beautiful ideas to the world.
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) February 15, 2016
Mark Zuckerberg invest 1 billion dollars into Kanye West ideas
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) February 14, 2016
Mixed with a heavy dose of acting angrily or aggressively when challenged or insulted:
Shut the fuck up and enjoy the greatness.
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) February 15, 2016
And lastly, an inability to take others' perspectives or empathize with their needs:
I have no interest in working with anyone who is too important or too good or too traditional to take a call at 3am
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) January 10, 2016
Twenge also noted that a routine item on the Narcissistic Personality Inventory, the gold standard of measurement in the social psychology field (though others exist), asks the test taker whether they agree with the statement, "if I ruled the world, it would be a better place." Which:
I know I can make the world a better place… I have done the impossible … I retook the throne of rap… I beat the fashion game…
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) February 15, 2016
This isn't the first time someone, even one as knowledgeable as Twenge, has taken a crack at deciphering the psychology of a celebrity from afar. This past Tuesday, The Root’s Danielle Belton asked readers to consider the possibility that Kanye’s latest Twitter rants are a crystal clear sign he may need counseling. However, others, such as Kathleen Smith, a licensed professional counselor and mental health journalist who has touched on the subject herself, caution against reading too much into someone’s public utterings.
“I think it can be very tempting for people to make assumptions about someone's mental health based on their social media presence. But the reality is that unless you're standing in front of them and observing and asking good questions, then it's really just a shot in the dark,” she told Medical Daily. “Take Carrie Fisher, for example — an actress who has received a bipolar diagnosis in the past and is open to talking about it. Her recent emoji-filled tweets might be interpreted by one person as mania, when it's likely that she's just being silly and engaging her 'Star Wars' fans.”
Education puts Americans into debt before they even get a chance to get started…
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) February 16, 2016
That same caveat could apply to someone even as unabashed as Kanye, she added. “Many successful artists have a little bit of grandiosity. Social media just gives fans greater access to some of those traits. Whether those delusions of grandeur are a mental health problem or not is debatable. Kanye's grandiosity has worked for him in the past. He tweets, sees an instant response from thousands of people. Who wouldn't be tempted to keep tweeting when you have that kind of ripple effect?”
The system is designed for colored people to fail and one of our only voices is music. One of our only ways out is music.
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) February 15, 2016
Smith isn’t entirely skeptical about the idea of social media serving as a useful mirror to our innermost thoughts, though, she merely advocates restraint. “Observing human behavior on social media can be a great tool for alerting you that your friends and family might be experiencing a mental health crisis,” she said. “It's not your responsibility to take care of Kanye, but you can step in and intervene when someone you know appears symptomatic. You can look for signs such as heightened grandiosity, risky photos that seem out of character, posting frequently and/or in the middle of the night, and threats of suicide or self-harm.”
For those wondering by the way, yes, there is indeed a #PrayForKanye hashtag out and about.
Looks like even @kanyewest is finding the industry tough these days #PrayForKanye pic.twitter.com/dPl9ZeZT1N
— Defected Records (@DefectedRecords) February 15, 2016