Normally, when a substance is labeled as a “poison” or “venom,” we avoid it for obvious reasons. However, some deadly toxins have the power of going from poison to potion when it comes to ailments like cancer, arthritis, and heart attacks. In the video, “10 Deadly Toxins That Could Actually Save Your Life”, Alltime10s explains how nature's plant and animal substances could be used as life-saving treatments for various scourges.

The venom of the Indian cobra, one of the most common venomous snakes in Southeast Asia, could provide a solution to an ailment that affects approximately 350 million people worldwide — arthritis. Experiments in rats with the condition have shown that small doses of the cobra's venom radically reduced the swelling and stiffness of the affected joints, says Alltime10s. This is because the toxin inhibits collagen breakdown and resulting damage. Scientists plan to conduct further research to see how the technique could work on humans.

Similar to the Indian cobra is the tarantula’s venom, which can help combat death from heart attacks. Biophysicists from the University of Buffalo are using Chilean rose tarantula venom to combat death from heart attacks, which currently causes 1 in 4 fatalities in America. Moreover, a protein in the venom can help regulate blood flow, which can often be uncontrollable during a cardiac arrest.

Now, it’s safe to say anything with "deadly" in its name should be kept away from a doctor's medical kit. However, this isn't the case for deadly nightshade. The plant can be used to treat various conditions, including asthma, gout, and epilepsy. It has the ability to block certain nervous impulses, which means that it can be carefully used to regulate certain bodily reflexes, such as slowing the heart rate during surgery.

Similar to deadly nightshade, hemlock is considered one of the world's most widely known poisons. It is so toxic that a human could die just from eating the meat of an animal that had once consumed its seeds. Hemlock’s poison works by paralyzing certain parts of the body. Scientists have adapted certain components of the poison for use in treatments for mania, epilepsy, and whooping cough. It has also reduced the pain of teething in children, and the tremors of those suffering with Parkinson’s.

These deadly, but potentially life-saving resources could help target ailments yet to be cured with modern medicine.

Click on Alltime10s video above to learn about the other deadly toxins, and which one is the most shocking of them all.