Quintuplets In Salt Lake City Born To Guillermina and Fernando Garcia [PHOTOS]
Quintuplets born to Gullermina and Fernando Garcia in Salt Lake City, are the latest set of five babies born on American soil. Such multiple births are rare, according to the most recent figures from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), with only 37 births of quintuplets or higher-order sets reported in 2010.
Guillermina Garcia, 34, gave birth to the healthy quintuplets at Salt Lake City's University of Utah Hospital on May 26, reports the Associated Press.
Eight doctors and dozens of nurses were on hand to deliver the five babies, three girls and two boys named Esmeralda, Fatima, Marissa, Fernando and Jordan, via cesarean section.
"We feel like we're dreaming," said Fernando Garcia in Spanish at a news conference covered by the AP on May 28. "It's incredible that we have five."
The doctors expect the quintuplets to grow up healthy, since the Garcia quintuplets managed to avoid the complications that can accompany multiple births. Women with multiple pregnancy are at higher risk for miscarriage and premature labor, before the standard 37 weeks.
Guillermina Garcia carried her babies until just over 31 weeks, according to the AP, which is still three weeks longer than most mothers of quintuplets.
Spending those extra weeks in the womb allowed the Garcias' lungs to develop further than those of other quintuplets, said Dr. Elizabeth O'Brien at the press conference. This means the babies did not need to spend as much time being ventilated in the newborn intensive care unit (NICU).
Garcia Quintuplets in Salt Lake City Are Healthy
Guillermina and Fernando Garcia used fertility drugs, according to the AP, which increases a couple's chances of multiple births.
Guillermina spent the two months before the births under bed rest at the University of Utah hospital in order to mitigate the risks associated with quintuplet births, reported KUTV, during which she experienced hypertension and preeclampsia.
A separate team of five attendants delivered each baby by cesarean section within two minutes, reported the AP.
Esmeralda, Fatima, Marissa, and Jordan each weighed between two to three pounds, and the largest baby was Fernando, who weighed three pounds, 14 ounces.
"It was not really chaotic. It was really controlled and it was impressive to see how everyone pulled together," said O'Brien at the press conference.
The quintuplets are expected to remain in the Salt Lake City hospital for six more weeks, according to the AP, before they go home to their parents and older sister Julietta, who is 18 months old.
People who wish to send donations to the parents of the Salt Lake City quintuplets can do so at an America First Credit Union account set up the Utah Doula Association, according to KUTV.