Top 10 Friendliest (And Unfriendliest) Cities In America: Where Can Friends Be Found?

So you want to move to a city where you will be welcomed with warmth and kindness... where exactly is that? According to Conde Nast Traveler’s annual Reader’s Choice Survey of the Friendliest (and Unfriendliest) cities in America, you are most likely to hear your door bell chime in the warmer states, where Southern hospitality dominates for a second year in a row. Though eight cities from the South take top spots on the list, two gems from the West — Jackson Hole, Wyo., and Telluride, Colo. — make a competitive showing.
Friendliest Cities:
10. Asheville, N.C.
Tied 9/8. Nashville, Tenn.
Tied 9/8. Key West, Fla.
7. Jackson Hole, Wyo.
6. Fort Worth, Texas
5. New Orleans, La.
4. Telluride, Colo.
3. San Antonio, Texas
2. Savannah, Ga.
1. Charleston, S.C.
What’s remarkable about the list is Charleston has taken the No. 1 spot once again due to its quaint charm, "undervalued local culture," history, natural beauty, and "incredible food." The second place winner, Savannah, has ascended from third position, leaving readers to hope there might be a horse race with Charleston next year. (We can hope.) Charm, history, and “Spanish moss dripping from the trees” are the reasons Savannah nearly wins the top spot.
Meanwhile, beautiful Telluride has also edged up the list over last year’s ranking as eighth friendliest town. (Could a debt be owed to legalized marijuana?) Readers comment on both the "unbelievable beauty" and "laid-back" community. Notably, one reader says, “the nearest stoplight is 75 miles away, as is the nearest snob.”
So does that mean only chilly Northern states win all the low spots? Surprisingly, no. While a few states located above the Mason Dixon line predictably occupy top spots on the unfriendliest list, California has won two places and Florida one.
Unfriendliest Cities:
10. Miami, Fla.
9. Wilmington, Del.
8. The Hamptons, N.Y.
7. Los Angeles, Calif.
6. Detroit, Mich.
5. New Haven, Conn.
4. Atlantic City, N.J.
3. Hartford, Conn.
2. Oakland, Calif.
1. Newark, N.J.
A point of interest here is, just like the friendliest list, the top contender on the unfriendliest list is last year’s favorite as well. Poor Newark is considered by readers to be an "airport city" that’s "crowded and overpriced." Meanwhile, Detroit has moved in the direction of friendly. Ranked fourth last year, Motor City now sits in the sixth position on the list with its “cool buildings juxtaposed with ones that are crumbling,” and its “big improvement" with safety and restaurants.
Finally, 10th on the list, Miami has been judged “too touristy,” “overpriced,” and “too trendy.” Ouch. Since this is the first time Miami makes a surprise appearance on the list, it can change for the better before it's too late and it becomes another Newark.