10 Fitness Trends For 2016; Predictions Point To Wearable Technology And High Intensity Interval Training

The year 2016 is fast approaching and so are New Year’s resolutions and hopes for a fresh start. Every year for the last 10 years, the American College of Sports Medicine announces the fitness trend predictions for the upcoming year based on a national survey. Since Rome became an empire in 27 B.C., New Year’s Day turned into a calendar mark for swearing an oath of loyalty. After decades of this practice and society became less focused on war, celebratory traditions took over and transformed into resolutions.
By and large, Americans’ desire to lose weight and become healthier outweighs their efforts. According to a Gallup study conducted in 2013, the trend of failed weight loss motivations has been consistent for over a decade. Since 2003, the percentage of Americans who would like to lose weight is far more than those who actually seriously attempt to by a large margin. In 2013, 51 percent of the country wanted to lose weight, but only 25 percent made an honest attempt. But wearable technology has taken over the market in recent years, inspiring change by tracking mileage, calories, and even sleep quality.
“Wearable technology has overtaken activities like body weight training and high-intensity interval training to claim the number one spot in this year’s survey,” said the study’s lead author Walter R. Thompson, associate dean at Georgia State University in Atlanta, in a press release. “Consumer interest in fitness technology may signal that the low-cost, DIY exercise trend is waning.”
Technology innovations have revolutionized the fitness industry. It has rapidly entered into Americans’ everyday lives and has enabled people to track and share their progress with instantaneous speed. It can help doctors track patients, personal trainers document their clients’ progress, and individuals attain goals outside of the gym while still providing a regimented fitness routine.
“Tech devices are now central to our daily lives and have changed the way we plan and manage our workouts,” Thompson said. “Wearable devices also provide immediate feedback that can make the wearer more aware of their level of activity and can motivate the user to achieve their fitness goals.”
Top 10 Fitness Trends of 2016
1. Wearable Technology
2. Body Weight Training
3. High-Intensity Interval Training
4. Strength Training
5. Educated and Experienced Fitness Professional Certifications
6. Personal Training
7. Functional Fitness (Balance training for aging adult population)
8. Fitness Programs Designed For Older Adults
9. Exercise and Weight Loss Programs
10. Yoga
Source: Walter TR. Worldwide Survey of Fitness Trends for 2016: 10th Anniversary Edition. ACSM Health & Fitness Journal. 2015.