198-Pound Tumor Removed From Vietnamese Man

A Vietnamese man who went into a risky 10-hour long surgery on Thursday to remove an enormous 198-pound tumor from his right leg is recovering Friday after a successful operation.
Nguyen Duy Hai, 32, suffers from rare genetic disorder and had been living with a tumor since he was four years old.
The procedure was led by Dr. McKay McKinnon at the France-Vietnam hospital in Ho Chi Minh City where surgeons had successfully removed the tumor.
On Thursday evening, Nguyen was sent into the recovery room, and his brother had told Vietnamese news agency, Tuoitrenews, that the surgery ended successfully and that his brother is likely to regain consciousness Friday morning.
According to Vietnamese state media, Nguyen’s tumor is the largest that has ever been recorded in the country.
When Nguyen was 17, he had part of his leg amputated, but the tumor had continued to expand making it difficult for him to walk or sleep.
Local media reported that his family and friends “burst into tears of joy” after being told that Nguyen survived the operation.
Nguyen is affected with an autosomal dominant hereditary disorder that causes disfiguring tumors to form on nerves throughout the body.
Dr. McKinnon has waived his fee that is estimated to be around $12,000 which will be covered by donations, the hospital said.
The Discovery Channel is planning to produce a documentary of Nguyen and his operation, Viet Nam News reported.