5 Lifestyle Changes To Manage Mental Stress, From Avoiding Long Lines To Listening To Classical Music

What are some ways to relieve mental stress?
This question originally appeared on Quora. Answer by Keck Medicine of USC.
Tired of feeling stressed? Several medical studies have found that a sense of gratitude can alleviate mild depression and reduce stress.
According to a 2014 study, some people are born a variation of a gene ( CD38) that increases their tendency to experience more meaningful and important relationships. These feelings of contentment and satisfaction naturally counter stress.
For the rest of us, it’s easier than you think to choose gratitude over stress. “ Other-praising,” which is doing or saying something kind to another person, has been proven to be reciprocal.
So how can you put this knowledge into practice? One way is to incorporate meaningful praise into your conversations. Pointing out what someone is good at or how they have made an impact on an individual or situation is a great place to start. Simple expressions of gratitude can be life-changing and enrich your interactions.
Consider keeping a gratitude journal. Reminding yourself about all of the great things going on in your life can positively impact your mood, your relationships and boost overall morale in yourself and the company you keep.
A great way to get ahead of your stress is identifying the situations in your everyday life that make you tense and anxious. When you know what is at the root of your negative emotions you can create workarounds to cope or avoid them. If long lines in the grocery store annoy you make a conscious effort to do your shopping early in the morning or late at night. Small tweaks that prioritize your own needs will help you to develop a harmonious and grateful outlook.
Keck Medicine of USC physicians recommend implementing lifestyle changes to manage stress. Though these may seem like common sense, but many people let their busy schedules get in the way of these very important things:
- Getting enough sleep.
- Eating a healthy diet.
- Finding enjoyable hobbies and pastimes.
- Connecting with loved ones in ways that strengthen relationships.
- Learning to set limits so that you don’t overcommit yourself.
Even something as routine as exercising 30 minutes three times a week has been shown to create the same boost in happiness and self-esteem. Though easier said than done, it is also important to recognize, accept and downplay the things you can’t change. They may be no way to avoid congested traffic, but playing classical music might make the drive more relaxing.
It has been proven that grateful people intuitively take better care of themselves and practice positive health behaviors. Keeping an optimistic outlook, feeling good about life, and having solid social connections boosts their ability to bounce back after stressful situations.