The 5 Most Talked About Medical Stories Of The Week

This week, these five stories had everyone buzzing. From a murderer who may have fabricated her own crime to inexpensive foods for patients with diabetes, here’s the list of this week’s hottest medical coverage:
Why People Forget Dreams, and 3 Ways to Remember
It happens all too often for some people. A sudden fall. A loud growl. An ominous-looking character. There are many different things that can wake us up from dreams. Chances are, that in those few seconds after, you’ll be able to remember your dream. Fall asleep again though, and it’s forgotten — unless you’ve taken notes. Very little is understood about why we dream. In an effort to get closer to that answer, however, researchers have discovered the parts of the brain responsible for remembering dreams, and why some people don’t. Read more…
Peering Inside the Mind of the ‘Craigslist Killer’
Does Miranda Barbour, the so-called "Craigslist Killer," have a personality disorder similar to those typically observed in more famously studied serial killers? A disciple of a satanic cult since the age of 13, 19-year-old Barbour has reportedly been killing ever since she first joined the group in her home state of Alaska. She’s killed in California, North Carolina, and Texas. And while the New-Age style of her Internet-spurred murders are uniquely repulsive, Barbour and her husband’s case may be textbook in the eyes of psychologists. Read more…
6 Superfoods for Every Diabetic on a Budget
Are you living with diabetes on a budget? Eating healthy doesn’t necessarily mean settling for less tasty foods or going over budget, especially for diabetes patients. A low-glycemic diet — high in fiber and protein — is recommended for most diabetics to help control blood sugar levels and weight. Following a diabetes diet will still allow diabetics to eat their favorite foods, yes, even those with the sweetest tooth. Read more…
3D Ultrasounds Are Creepy, Even to the Women Getting Them [VIDEO]
There’s nothing like seeing your precious bundle of joy tossing and turning inside your womb as projected from the retro-futuristic screen of an ultrasound machine. There he sits, his umbilical cord dancing around him like a Maypole ribbon, his weird, oversized head rocking back and forth in a precious, undead sort of way. He’s almost cute, if it weren’t for the picture’s Martian orange hue or the fact his skin looks stretched and leathery. But you chose this 3D ultrasound, and now you must enjoy it. Read more…
Loneliness Will Make You Die Younger
Loneliness may not only be miserable — it could also be unsafe, according to new research linking extreme loneliness to an increased risk of death.Dr. John Cacioppo, a psychologist at the University of Chicago and lead author of the new study, said that feeling lonely in old age may increase your risk of premature death by up to 14 percent. The newly discovered mortality factor is almost as strong as socioeconomic hardship and disadvantage, which has been shown to increase the risk by 19 percent. Read more…