5-Year-Old Boy Who Owns 100 Princess Dresses And 8 Pairs Of Heels Banished From Playgroup

Romeo Clarke, 5, who is partial to princess dresses and sparkly pumps, was recently banished from a Catholic playgroup because he was "confusing" the other children. Back in September, his mother, Georgina Clarke, 36, first enrolled Romeo in Saint Marie’s Catholic Primary School in Rugby, Warwickshire, UK. Eventually, she began to pay extra in order for him to attend the Buzz Children’s Club, an after-school playgroup that runs every Wednesday. In April, the organizers of the group notified his mother the boy was no longer welcome.
His mother, though, claims it is discrimination pure and simple and has lodged a complaint with the playgroup. “He loves to wear dresses, and loves girls clothes and anything pink,” his mother explained to the Daily Mirror. “I don’t mind it at all. I’m used to it, now.” Since he was small, his three older sisters have helped him to dress up, and now he even asks them to polish his nails and straighten his curly hair.

Bex Venables, the Minister in Training at the Rugby Christian Fellowship, told the Mirror, “Georgina's son is still allowed to attend Buzz Children's Club but has been asked to wear clothing of the gender stated on his registration form, which states male. This request is no different from what is asked by his school, where he wears a boys' uniform.” Venables suggested this decision was made in the boy’s best interest and is meant to protect him from bullying.
According to his mother, he isn’t bothered by other people’s opinions. “I’m proud he is so free and comfortable with himself,” she told the Mirror. “He took a Barbie to school the other week. I did warn him the other children might say something but he didn't care.” She reports that Romeo's favorite film is Frozen, he loves performing, and he has a flare for acting out the role of the princesses with his sisters. She suspects he will one day end up on the stage.
The boy’s father is Winston Morris, 42, a builder, who has separated from the family. He told the Mirror, “I don't care if he wears the dress. He can be whatever he wants to be …We think he has been singled out and he definitely won't be going back [to the playgroup].” His mother believes this is simply a matter of Romeo having three older sisters and appreciating their world of dresses and shoes. “This is not a case of my son being trapped in a girl’s body,” she told the Mirror.