8 Healthy Vegetarian Recipes To Help You Celebrate World Vegetarian Day, And Every Day After That

October is Vegetarian Awareness Month, and to mark the occasion, the North American Vegetarian Society (NAVS) has declared Oct. 1 World Vegetarian Day (WVD). Now say that five times fast.
Since 1975, NAVS has organized and sponsored annual educational conferences for anyone interested in learning more about vegetarianism, including WVD. It’s ultimately to “promote the joy, compassion, and life-enhancing possibilities” of eating vegetarian.
The one major hang up, or myth really is that there are no plant-based proteins that compete with animal –based protein. True, it may be a little harder to get equal amounts, but there are plenty of good sources that make this diet as satiating as any other.
To prove it, we’ve rounded up five fall-inspired recipes you can enjoy during October, and pretty much every month after that. Just click “view slideshow” to see what we mean.