Addicted to Facebook? It's Not Possible
In response to the recent article circling around the web, "Addicted To Facebook? Answer these 6 Questions To Find Out!" A Norwegian Researcher Professor Cecilie Schou Andreassen has devised a questionnaire to support her recent theory, that our society could be addicted to Facebook. Through a self-test, Andreassen believes she can diagnosis a Facebook addict and even lists the stages of "addiction." Unfortunately for Andreassen addiction to Facebook is not even possible despite her recent study.
Every one of the six questions of the test seemingly lack any follow through evidence or correlation to addiction--since addiction is not a disease. Every question of the six could apply to anyone's life in all aspects if you think about it. Here is the test:
Record your responses -- very rarely, rarely, sometimes, often or very often -- to the six following statements.
During the past year, have you…
1. …spent a lot of time thinking about Facebook or planned use of Facebook? (Salience)
2. …used Facebook in order to forget about personal problems? (Mood modification)
3. …felt an urge to use Facebook more and more? (Tolerance)
4. …become restless or troubled if you have been prohibited from using Facebook? (Withdrawal)
5. …used Facebook so much that it has had a negative impact on your job/studies? (Conflict)
6. …tried to cut down on the use of Facebook without success? (Relapse)
Andreassen's second test question, "Have you used Facebook in order to forget about personal problems?" is correlated to "mood modification." This test question provokes the most controversy. Saint Jude Retreats a leading non 12 step alternative to drug and alcohol rehab, supports the idea that addiction is not a disease. The Saint Jude Program explains that when people browse the internet they do so because they enjoy it, it gives them satisfaction and brings them happiness. Repetitive habits are not addictions, just a series of learned behaviors and human choices. So if someone enjoys going on the internet and they happen to be struggling with personal problems how does this directly imply using Facebook as a mood modifier?
Before Facebook and cell phones, students all over the world, would occupy themselves in school if they became bored or restless. They would draw or doodle all over their notebooks in class, almost obsessively up and down the sides of their notebook page. Was this called a doodling addiction?? No! Students were just bored. Nothing has changed since then except kids today now replace drawing with texting and checking their Facebook pages. Viewing photos and interacting on comments are stimulating and just simply entertaining for many people. Today's technology has enabled the internet and Facebook to be at our fingertips at all times.
Andreassen's last question regards cutting down on Facebook time which she directly connects to relapsing. This is certainly not relapsing and in addition to this, it's not wrong to enjoy staying connected to friends or family. Not everyone loves being on the internet, others enjoy reading, shopping, exercising, but Andreassen is generalizing a society as a whole. As long as you are taking responsibility for your actions and the consequences of those actions; spending too much time focused on a hobby is ultimately still your choice. Saint Jude Retreats teaches through their education and social program that everyone must take personal responsibility for their own actions and choices, in the meantime browsing Facebook will always remain a choice that you have the power to stop at any time.