Nowadays, it seems like everywhere we look someone is documenting a part of their lives. The new trend? #aftersex. And that’s exactly what it is: couples taking photos of themselves after they’ve had sex. Instead of the obligatory cuddling or cigarette that some people fancy, technology has made this a new Instagram sensation. However, some experts believe that these “selfies” are taking sex to a whole new level — as a sort of validation process that gives some people bragging rights.

Not surprisingly though, many people are not happy with these selfies. Some users have decided to poke fun at this new trend by posting pictures of puppies embraced in each other’s arms, or memes making fun of the hashtag. Comments included, “nothing is sacred anymore” and “tacky.”

#aftersex Instagram Marco_ss93

“I think younger people go through a phase when they discover how great sex is. They just want to talk about it,” said Dr. Tamara McClintock-Greenberg, associate clinical professor of psychiatry, University of California, San Francisco, to Medical Daily. “I think before social media, people would talk about it to friends. Now it’s just [at] a heightened level.”

According to Dr. Chris Chesher, lecturer in digital cultures at the University of Sydney, “What happens when new cultural platforms come along, is the norms with how they should be used don’t exist until people start using them,” he told the Daily Mail.

Another popular hashtag that received scrutiny was #funeralselfies. Many people were up in arms about youngsters taking pictures of themselves at funerals and posting it online. However, many mental health care professionals say that this might just be another way to cope with other insecurities.

Alessia Viagano
Some view these "selfies" as abusive and tactless. Instagram Alessia Viagano

Not surprisingly, however, many of the folks posting these photos are in their late teens or early twenties. A reason for this might be the excitement of sex, and how as we get older, that feeling wanes. “I would be surprised if people in their forties and fifties did this,” McClintock-Greenberg said.

Tactless as it may be, these types of trends do catch on quickly. Fortunately for some, they also die as fast as they begin. One of the downfalls that many selfie aficionados might face is regret, too. Posting things on any social media outlet makes it permanent.

Another limitation is that there is no end to this “selfie” compulsion. “It’s the whole thing with self-esteem and social media, and there’s a compulsion to renew a certain sense of importance," McClintock-Greenberg concluded. "A limitation in general for posting certain things — it’ll never feel good enough.”