Alzheimer's is a brain disorder accompanied by problems with memory, thinking and behavior. This condition is prevalent in 50 to 70% of dementia patients (Dementia is a general term given to memory loss and declined intellectual ability that seriously hampers daily life).

Tip #1: Memory loss is the most common sign of Alzheimer's. Patients are most likely to forget what they have learned in the recent past and important dates and events while wanting the same information repeatedly and relying on aides for the activities they were previously capable of handling by themselves.

Tip #2: Concentrating becomes difficult in early patients. Consequently, they take more time to complete the same task. They have trouble following a family recipe or recording the monthly bills. Their ability to work with numbers changes with the onset of this disease.

Tip #3: An inability to understand dates, seasons and passage of time are some of the characteristics of Alzheimer's.

Tip #4: Vision problems arise during this condition. People with Alzheimer's have difficulty in reading, determining color, contrast and judgment. They are also prone to mistaken perceptions. They may pass their own image in a mirror as another person.

Tip #5: Trouble with vocabulary, joining or following a conversation occurs during Alzheimer's. Patients generally stop in middle of a conversation and may repeat themselves because they are clueless on how to continue. Often, they cannot find the correct word.

Tip #6: Placing things in unusual locations, losing their belongings and not being able to retrieve them, accusing others of stealing is age dependent and occurs frequently.

Tip #7: People with Alzheimer's show a decline in their judgment ability. They are poor decision makers especially in money matters, telemarketing addicts and inattentive towards personal cleanliness and grooming.

Tip #8: Withdrawal from work projects, sports, hobbies and social activities are commonly seen. Activities like keeping up with their favorite sports team or favorite hobby are difficult for them.

Tip #9: Mood and personalities change with confusion, suspicion, depression, fright and anxiety taking an upper hand. When outside their comfort zone, they are easily perturbed even if they are in known surroundings (home, work or with friends). They become incapable of completing their daily tasks.