People today live longer than they ever have before, thanks to advancements in medical technology, improved work conditions, and overall sanitation. While most Americans want to live to see 100, according to a new survey from Time, few people are actually prepared to live a long, quality life.

Time worked with the Stanford Center on Longevity to conduct a survey of 2,330 American adults. Seventy-seven percent said they wanted to be a centenarian — the term used for people who live to be 100 and older — but only one in three were prepared to do so. While respondents said they understood the importance of a healthy diet and exercise, 25 percent reported eating well and 24 percent said they exercised as much as they think they should.

Time was alarmed by these findings, especially when it considered the low percentage of Americans getting the recommended amount of exercise. Americans are now leading a more sedentary lifestyle, which has been linked to health problems and even an increased risk of death. In the survey, problems with diet and sleep were also widespread.

"The surprise in this survey is not that people want to live to 100, but it is how little they have done to prepare for this eventuality," Peter D. Hart, who conducted the survey, said in a statement. "Americans admit to having overweight bodies and underweight financial strength in preparing for a long life."

Most Americans were unhappy with their financial situation and their body weight. And yet, most of those interested in living to 100 were more focused on healthy living than their finances. More than 40 percent of respondents who want to retire before 65 admitted they lack the financial means to support themselves when they turn 100.

In addition to good physical health, financial stability is part of living a quality life in old age. For example, a 2013 study revealed health care costs steadily increase with age. While costs will vary among retirees and their estimated lifetime, the estimated cost is about $146,400 for people currently age 65 with an average expected lifetime of 20 years. Of course, the longer the life expectancy, the higher health care costs will be.

These findings also offer "a snapshot of other American attitudes toward aging," Time reported. For example, millennials were more likely to believe they would one day be centenarians than baby boomers and Gen Xers. And despite the record student debt among this generation, millennials were also more likely to believe they would have the money to support themselves at that age.

Perhaps they're on to something. Separate research suggests positivity is the key to longevity.