Animal Planet Celebrates Labor Day With 24/7 Streams Of Animal Births From Nebraska State Fair

The traditional American holiday of Labor Day has somehow been transformed into an excuse to drink too much and the last day of the year you can fashionably wear white. However, if you’re not into beer and you’ve never really been a fan of white then Animal Planet’s weekend-long stream of live animal births might be just the thing for you.
The labor in Labor Day is in reference to the holiday’s tribute to the contributions and achievements of American workers. But Animal Planet chose to take a different spin on the word’s definition, and I must say it sounds intense, to say the least, but also intriguing. The channel will be sponsoring a live stream straight from the Nebraska State Fair online, showing none other than non-stop, back-to-back live animals births, Jezebel reported. With “expert” commentary from University of Nebraska veterinarians, the Labor Cam will give you around the clock access to “live animal births under the supervision of trained professionals.”
If you don’t have time to sit on your computer all day to watch tiny farm animals enter the world, then fear not. The Animal Planet offers live on-air animal birth alerts so you know right when to tune in for the good parts. “This is just the beginning of a significant initiative where Animal Planet will offer our audience unprecedented live coverage of animal births and other astonishing moments of the natural world, both on-air and online at Animal Planet L!VE,” explained Rick Holzman, general manager and EVP of Animal Planet, Deadline reported. Looks like I’ve got a new favorite television channel!
Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream