Be Gentle to Tackle Acne and Other Useful Tips for Clearer Skin

Acne is a common skin condition and affects millions of people. Yet, anybody dealing with a severe acne condition will know how disturbing it is to see a new pimple erupt every day, not to mention the scars that remain long after the pimple has gone.
Now, experts from American Academy of Dermatology have provided some tips that will help you deal with acne.
"It's very common for patients with acne to scrub their skin and to use harsh products, yet doing so often makes acne worse In order for acne to improve, people with acne must be gentle when touching their skin and use gentle products, such as those that are alcohol-free," said Amanda Friedrichs, MD, FAAD, a board-certified dermatologist in private practice in Sycamore, Illinois.
Tips for a clear, healthy skin include:
- Never touch your skin.
- Use mild cleaning product that is free of alcohol.
- Wash face twice a day, especially after sweating. Make sure you use lukewarm water while washing face.
- Avoid unnecessary sun.
- Avoid tanning beds. They can cause skin cancer, something far worse than acne.
- Wash hair regularly, especially if you have an oily scalp
- Let your skin heal. Never pick, pop or squeeze acne. Doing so will only increase healing time and cause scars.
"Make an appointment to see a board-certified dermatologist if your acne makes you shy or embarrassed, the products you've tried haven't worked, or your acne is leaving scars or darkening your skin. Today, virtually every case of acne can be successfully treated," added Dr. Friedrichs.
What causes acne?
According to the National Institutes of Health, acne occurs when pores on the skin get blocked due to presence of oil, hair follicle and cells that line the pore. The bacteria grow in these blocked pores due to the presence of cells and oil. When the body detects that bacteria are growing in the pores, it starts a defense attack leading to inflammation.
Whiteheads and Blackheads
When the plugged hair follicle remains beneath the skin, you get a whitehead and when the hair follicle reaches the skin surface, you get a blackhead. The blackheads don't appear black due to dirt but rather due to the reaction that occurs when the oil gets exposed to air. When the wall of the hair follicle breaks down, it causes pimples.
Stress doesn't cause acne but worrying about acne will make it worse, NIH says.