'Beer Mile' World Record Now Held By James Nielsen, With Time Of 4:57 And 4 Beers Chugged

Many of us continuously strive to complete a mile under the 10-minute mark to serve as an indicator of good physical health for ourselves. While many runners strive to beat the world record in the mile run, (currently held at 3:43.13 by Hicham El Guerrouj, the men’s record holder and 4:12.56 by Svetlana Masterkova, the women’s record holder) Canadian native James Nielsen had a different kind of record to beat in mind. Nielsen successfully did what was thought to be humanely impossible by setting a “beer mile” world record of 4:57.00, Canadian Running Magazine reported, all while chugging four beers in under 12 seconds.
In a beer mile, competitors run a standard mile on a track, but they must do this while chugging a 12-ounce can of beer for every 400-meter lap, or four beers. Also, the beer must have a 5.0 alcohol concentration, and no vomiting is allowed, according to BeerMile.com. “I have spent an excessive amount of time training my stomach to expand to be able to intake the massive amounts of carbon dioxide that I’m about to put into it,” said Nielsen in a YouTube video, before running the beer mile.
The former two-time NCAA Division III champion in the 5,000-meter has been training for the beer mile for over a year and has even received recognition from athletes such as American middle-distance track athlete, Nick Symmonds. “Incredible beer splits! Huge congrats to him. I guess I better start training,” Symmonds said, FloTrack.org reported.
The beer mile is the perfect cross between fitness and drinking, prompting us to give this unusual sport a try. It may be time for Symmonds and the rest of us to start training, unless you can run a mile and chug four beers under 12 seconds. Beer mile hopefuls, please remember you must be 21, and try not to vomit everywhere.