Benefits Of Pumpkin: 6 Health Reasons Why You Should Eat Pumpkin Year-Round

When fall arrives, so does its signature squash: pumpkin. While you might only be familiar with pumpkin spice lattes and pumpkin pies, pumpkin has more to offer than just fall desserts. Its vitamin- and nutrient-rich flesh and seeds have an abundance of health benefits, from weight loss to better quality sleep.
"Pumpkin seeds are a great super food that most people don’t talk about outside the month of October," Shane Allen, a certified personal trainer, sports nutritionist, and weight loss specialist in Dallas, Texas, told Medical Daily in an email. The bright orange winter fruit — seeds and all — is nutritionally dense, with lots of fiber, vitamin A, carotenoids, and good fats.
Click “View Slideshow” to see why you should add the squash to your diet not just this fall, but year-round.