Bill Cosby Admitted Giving Quaaludes To Women He Wanted Sex With In 2005: Can You Drug Someone With Benadryl?

In news that’s sure to restoke the flames of controversy surrounding accused sexual assaulter Bill Cosby, the Associated Press reported that today they have obtained a 2005 deposition Cosby had given in a civil lawsuit filed against him by former Temple University employee Andrea Constand.
Constand, first through a criminal complaint that was dropped by law enforcement officials in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, and later through the civil case, alleged that in January 2004, Cosby had given her three "herbal" pills after which he "touched her breasts and vaginal area, rubbed his penis against her hand, and digitally penetrated" her.
In the deposition, Cosby admitted to obtaining seven prescriptions of quaaludes, a powerful sedative that’s been banned in the United States since 1984, in the 1970's for the explicit purpose of giving them to women he planned to have sex with. He further testified that he successfully handed out these drugs to at least one woman. From the AP’s reporting, it appears that Cosby testified that the act was fully consensual.
When it came to Constand, who settled the lawsuit against Cosby in 2006 for undisclosed terms, Cosby testified that he had indeed given her pills but that these had simply been Benadryl, a brand name antihistamine used to treat allergies and motion sickness. For the morbidly curious, Benadryl, less often known by its formal name of Diphenhydramine, can rarely cause lightheadedness or fainting in people, according to PubMed Health, a service provided by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) at the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM).
Unlike those side effects, the presence of inexplicable lightheadedness when alone with the once-lauded entertainer has been a common theme among the running tally of women who have accused Cosby of sexually assaulting them throughout the decades.
In one of the latest instances, a Jane Doe who was originally set to testify in the Constand case gave her account to Buzzfeed News this past March. Going only by the name "Patricia", she said that on two separate occasions during the 1970’s and 1980’s, Cosby had given her drugs which made her blackout, only to wake up naked a few hours later with Cosby nearby. "I was very sick and knew that someone had penetrated me," she told Buzzfeed News. "Finally, I realized what was happening."
That tally currently stands at 43, according to Slate, though Patricia’s account does not seem to be listed among them.
UPDATE: The documentation released today, 66 pages in total, is available here.