Black Friday Toy Deals: Mark The 10 Most Dangerous Toys Of 2015 Off Your Holiday Shopping List

Black Friday is mere days away and parents around the United States are getting ready to brave the long lines (and the possibility of getting stabbed) to get some of the best deals and sales of the year. Meanwhile, parents unwilling to spend the majority of their day waiting on lines will do their shopping online, as 46 percent of consumers are expected to holiday shop over the internet. Whether you’re shopping at home or at the mall, it’s important to remember not all toys that are marketed toward children are safe.
World Against Toys Causing Harm, Inc. (W.A.T.C.H.) is a consumer watchdog organization that recently released its nominees for the “10 Worst Toys of 2015.” According to WATCH’s data, the U.S. experienced a 40 percent increase in toy-related injuries between 1990 and 2011. Classic toy dangers, such as small parts, strings, projectiles, toxic substances, rigid materials, and inaccurate warnings and labels, continue to pose a problem for parents each year.
Click on “View Slideshow” to see the 10 Worst Toys of 2015.