Breast Milk Lollipops May Prove What Some Already Knew: Adults Love The Taste Of Breast Milk

Be honest. In a weak moment of curiosity, you've taste-tested your friend's, sister's, or cousin's breast milk. Well, one candy manufacturer says that breast milk is so tasty that adults should have the chance to relive their infancy through breast milk-flavored lollipops.
Austin-based candy company Lollyphile announced the release of its breast milk-flavored lollipops today in an enthusiastic statement. The company said that mothers who were recruited by Lollyphile gave their breast milk to "flavor specialists" who were able to mimic and recreate the flavor. The lollipops do not contain actual breast milk, but the company's owner insists that the flavor is similar enough that consumers will enjoy "the most inherently satisfying flavor of all time."
Speaking via press release, Lollyphile explained the concept and excitement behind its new lollipop flavor:
"I don't know if it's because I'm getting older, but it seems like all of my friends are having babies these days," said Jason Darling, the owner of Lollyphile. "Sure, the kids are all crazy cute, but what slowly dawned on me was that my friends were actually producing milk so delicious it could turn a screaming, furious child into a docile, contented one. I knew I had to capture that flavor."
Lollyphile prides itself on offering lollipop flavors that don't exist anywhere else, from Absinthe to Sriracha. "Any company can make up nostalgic flavors," said Darling. "We'd like to think that we're tapping into a flavor our customers loved before they even knew how to think."
"It's sad that so few people are able to remember this inherently wonderful flavor," Darling continued. "It's a real shame that babies are so selfish, but you'll understand their unwillingness to share once you try one of these."
Experts say that the taste of breast milk depends largely on what the mom is eating. Salty food yields salty breast milk, while sweet food yields sweet breast milk.
Award-winning journalist Roger Ziegler documented an incident when he "had to" taste his wife's breast milk and what the experience (and taste) was like in an article entitled "What Does Breast Milk Taste Like? Well, I'll Tell You." Describing it as "slightly sweet and a little nutty, like warm cinnamon toast," he thoroughly enjoyed the flavor.
"They better not let the secret out or babies all over the world are going to go starving," Ziegler wrote. Maybe he was onto something.
Lollyphile sells several different adult-themed lollipops, including liquor-infused bourbon and habanero tequila lollies. The breast milk lollipops come in packages of four, 12, or 36, with prices ranging from $10 for four to $58 for 36.