The Breast-Shaped Soap Dispenser, The Perfect Pillow For Napping, And More Quirky 'Health Innovations’ [NSFW]

The Internet is rife with unorthodox health products. Some will leave you scratching your head, while others might have you shouting “that’s brilliant!”.
Take for example The Ostrich Pillow. Created by Kawamura Ganjavian for Studio Banana Things, the part beanie, part cushion-for-your-noggin slips over a napper’s head, but leaves an open space for the nose and mouth for a person to breathe. Another set of openings on the side allows a wearer to slip their hands underneath their head, allowing a user to assume the ideal position for a siesta.

Perhaps you are taking a more conventional rest, one in a bed, but you want to check Facebook or write a long email. Owners of the WorkEZ Executive can do such activities from the comfort of their backs. This versatile laptop stand from Uncaged Ergonomics can hold a laptop in variety of angles, which includes a position for hanging a personal computer upside-down. $65.

Worried about unsightly wrinkles on your neck? The Neck Firming Stimulator claims to diminish sagging skin and enhance muscle tone by employing the same technology utilized by professional estheticians. The Mayo Clinic makes use of a similar technique to improve muscle strength and prevent bone mineral density loss. $149.95 from Hammacher Schlemmer.

To help with those moments in the shower when you are blindly reaching for your liquid soap, Fuloon offers a "familiar," yet unusual, design for your bathtub: The Shower Breasts Soap Dispenser. Just give this droll device a few soft squeezes, and you will be able to wash away your skin grime, while piling on a little shame. And just in case you are worried that this represents some type of double standard for the soap dispenser industry, the Pink Pear, a UK-based novelty store, sells it own penis-shaped model.