British Mother Sells Her Own Breast Milk For $20 A Bottle, Making $4,750 In One Year

Whether you want some breast milk for body building or “sexual preferences” — one British woman can sell it to you for $20 a bottle, and she isn’t going to judge you for it.
Rebecca Hudson, a 26-year-old mom of four kids living in the UK, has decided to sell her own breast milk in order to afford Christmas presents for her kids. Surprisingly, there appears to be a market for it — from body builders to experimental cooks — and Hudson made $4,750 by selling it online in just one year.
According to ITV’s This Morning, Hudson said she had found it difficult to produce milk when her daughter Milly was born 10 weeks premature, but soon it arrived “in bucket loads,” she noted. Since her daughter was too small to be fed more than 3 ounces per week, Hudson began filling up all of her hospital and home milk storage space, not wanting to throw the breast milk out. “I didn’t want to pour it away because it takes a lot of work to produce breast milk. It takes energy and time,” she told This Morning.
Inspired by several women she found online who were selling their breast milk, Hudson thought, “if I can make money for my children, I don’t see the harm,” she told This Morning.
In the past, there have been the occasional males who believe drinking breast milk provides adults benefits. For example, discussion threads on often center around breast milk as a form of health supplement — with men claiming it gives them energy and keeps them from getting sick. But while breastfeeding has been shown to provide infants with crucial nutrition and boost their immunity against diseases, no scientific evidence has proven that adults can benefit from the nutrients in breast milk.
While it may not exactly offer any of these health benefits some men rave about, breast milk has been used in various foods in the past — such as ice cream. Known as “Baby Gaga,” an ice cream flavor developed by London’s Icecreamist uses breast milk from up to 15 different women, and is flavored with vanilla and lemon zest. Store founder Matt O’Connor notes that “It’s pure, it’s natural, it’s organic, and it’s free range — and if it’s good enough for our kids, it’s good enough to use in our ice cream,” he told British TV.
Hudson now has regular clients, and she harbors no judgment against the adult males who drink it for protein purposes, or the cooks who use it in their experimental dishes: “What they do with the milk is up to them, I’m not going to discriminate,” she said.