Butter Believe it, Paula Deen is Thirty Pounds Lighter Since Announcing Diabetes Diagnosis

Paula Deen is on the cover of this week’s People after having lost thirty pounds.
The move comes six months after Paula Deen publically revealed that she had been diagnosed with type 2 Diabetes. Her revelation was criticized widely, because she had known about the diagnosis for three years. Her critics said that she was motivated by money, as she simultaneously announced her multimillion-dollar spokeswoman deal for Victoza, a drug for type 2 diabetes, and continued to promote her television show and cookbooks.
“Thinking of getting into the leg-breaking business so I can profitably sell crutches later,” No Reservations star and chef Anthony Bourdain famously tweeted. He also mentioned one of her signature dishes, a hamburger served with eggs and bacon sandwiched between two glazed donuts.
But the Food Network star bristles against her critics, saying that she is a cook, not a doctor. And on her end, her lifestyle has gotten much healthier. She has traded her mashed potatoes for Greek salads, and has stopped drinking gallons of sugary tea in favor of water. She has also made her portions smaller.
She told People that the lifestyle change has drastically improved her quality of life, allowing her to sleep better, improve her health issues, and raise her energy levels. Her clothing size has decreased from a size 18 to a size 10 over the course of five months.
Still, it is hard not to think of Anthony Bourdain when her cover appears on newsstands. He predicted back in January that we would see the very transformation on the covers of Us Weekly and People.
Diabetes is a condition that affects 26 million Americans, with an additional 79 million labeled as pre-diabetes. The condition is first managed with diet and exercise. If that does not work, medication is prescribed. Diabetes, if left untreated or poorly managed, can lead to strokes, blindness, and limb amputations.