Can Facebook 'Likes' Show Who the Next President Will Be?
Curious about who’s going to win the 2012 presidential election? Want a new way to monitor a candidates standing? Check out their Facebook fan page to see how their number of “Likes” change throughout the day.
Mitt Romney was in the lead as of Wednesday afternoon, according to the number of his Facebook “Likes” which were at 1,201,462 and rising throughout the day.
As Romney’s “Likes” grow Herman Cain’s “Likes” continue to plummet, dropping by the minute.
What would Cain’s Facebook page look like if Facebook had the long desired “Dislike” button that many Facebook users have asked for?
Cain had 399,287 in the early afternoon on Wednesday, that number dropped by more than 200 later in the day.
Cain’s Facebook decline comes after several women accused him in recent weeks of sexual harassment, which have been accompanied by sinking poll numbers.
This week, Atlanta business woman Ginger White claimed she had been involved in a 13-year affair with Cain, who is married.
The allegations have led pundits to wonder whether Cain will end his campaign, although the candidate said Wednesday he plans to keep running.
“The American public is tired of dirty politics and smear tactics as evident of their tremendous outpouring of support for me, my family and my campaign this past month. I am running for President of the United States of America and the reality is that there are individuals out there that favor the status quo of higher taxes, more government and political cronyism and they are afraid of a Cain Presidency,” said Cain in a released statement.
“I have spoken directly to the American people and have been 100 percent honest with them. My plan is to continue to spread my vision on how I would renew America and keep her safe. I will not fight false claims as it is not what America needs or wants,” he added.
Even Texas Republican Ron Paul, who is currently behind Cain in the Polls, has more Facebook “Likes” than Cain at 603,985 as his numbers slowly continue to climb
Rick Perry’s Facebook “Likes” appeared to be constant throughout the day at around 171,452.
Newt Gingrich, although at the top of most recent polls, only has 194,813 likes, with the numbers rising at a slow rate.