Catholic Hospital West Gets New Name, No Longer a Catholic Ministry

After years of discussions with Catholic congregations, Catholic Hospital West said on Tuesday it will change its name to Dignity Health.
Under a new governance structure also announced Tuesday, Dignity Health said in a released statement it is now a non-profit organization rooted in Catholic tradition, but is not an official ministry of the Catholic Church.
The group based in San Francisco currently owns or operates 25 Catholic hospitals and 15 non-Catholic hospitals. The majority of the group's hospitals are in California, with others in Arizona and Nevada.
The company also unveiled a new logo which replaces the red cross it previously used. It appears as three curved sections, which the company says represents three parts of the organization’s mission – quality care, advocacy and partnering. The logo “surrounds and embraces a central space, symbolic of how an integrated health system embraces and serves the individual.”
“One of the key rationales for the change is to preserve and sustain the identity and integrity of the Catholic hospitals and their sponsoring congregations,” Dignity Health said in a statement.
The group’s Catholic hospitals will continue to be Catholic, directly sponsored by their founding congregations and “subject to the moral authority of the local bishop, and adhering to the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services.”
Catholic hospitals do not offer in vitro fertilization services or perform abortions.
Non-Catholic hospitals will continue as such and will adhere to a “Statement of Common Values.”