Sense About Science, an nonprofit organization with a network of over 5,000 scientists, on Tuesday published its annual report highlighting various error-filled health and science statements made by celebrities.

Whale sperm, HPV vaccines, power bracelets, vitamin supplements, and colon medication have all been among the topics addressed by celebrities in 2011.

Gwyneth Paltrow, Jersey Shore’s Snooki, Michelle Bachmann, Simon Cowell, Suzi Quatro, and even newly married Duchess Kate Middleton are guilty of offering their scraps of pseudoscience to the public, and what can be only worse is if people believe them, Sense About Science said in a statement last week.

Below is a list of some statements made by celebrities in 2011 and rebuttals by experts.

Snooki, a reality TV star said that she hated going to the beach because the ocean’s saltiness was caused by too much whale sperm.

While Paltrow has written on her health blog that detox programs will help anyone achieve mental clarity and weight loss, Dr. Christian Jessen, a general practitioner and TV presenter says there is already a good way to do that.

“Your body has its own fantastic detox system already in place in the shape of your liver and kidneys,” he writes. “Much better to drink plenty of water, eat a balanced died, get plenty of sleep, and let your body do what it does best!”

Bachmann, a member of the House of Representatives and a Republican candidate for President, told reporters that there are “very dangerous consequences” from HPV vaccines, like mental retardation.

There is no evidence the HPV vaccine causes mental retardation or that there are dangerous consequences, writes Prof. Sean Kohow, a gynecological oncologist writes. Cervical cancer does cause deaths. He estimates a UK vaccination program will save 400 lives.

Christian Louboutin, a luxury shoe designer, said that that wearing high heels positions a women’s foot in the exact position as when she orgasms, so high heels could possible induce an “orgasmic situation.”

Professor Kevan Wylie, a consultant in sexual medicine says its important to “differentiate causality from effect.”

“A woman’s foot may be in this position during orgasm, but that does not mean that putting her foot into this position under other circumstances will result in orgasm,” he writes.

Kate Middleton, the new Duchess of Cambridge who is allergic to horses said that “the more time one spends with them the less allergic you become”.

Dr. Pamela Ewan, with the Allergy Department at Addenbrookes Hospital said Middleton could be right, it just depends how allergic the person is. While a mild allergy to animals may be less with regular exposure there are exceptions.

“But gaps are bad – the best example is allergy to cats but this can occasionally happen with horses; when students return home, massive sneezing and streaming occurs. If the allergy is more severe, re-exposure usually makes it worse,” she writes.

Suzi Quatro, a singer-songwriter reckons that “all illnesses start in the colon.”

Dr. Melita Gordon, a consultant gastroenterologist says the colon “certainly is not the cause of all illnesses.” Sore throats are caused by viruses that come through the nose and mouth. She may be noticing a placebo effect, or an effect from doing other things to avoid throat infections like avoiding infective contacts or washing hands.

TV personality Simon Cowell said that his drip-fed intravenous cocktail of vitamins C, B12 and magnesium will create “an incredibly warm feeling” that is “very calming” and will make people look and feel younger and healthier.

Dr. Ursula Arens, a dietician with the British Dietetic Association says food will provide all the necessary vitamins unless the person has a deficiency. Very ill people or those with particular gut problems may not be able to get their intake of vitamins through food. If a person cannot change their diet, vitamin supplements are a simple way to be reassured, she says.