Chin Implant Surgery Soared in 2011 in the US

Chin augmentation surgery has grown by almost 71 percent in 2011, according to American Society of Plastic Surgeons.
In 2011, chin augmentation grew more than breast augmentation, Botox and liposuction combined.
“The chin and the jaw line are among the first areas to show signs of aging. People are considering chin augmentation as a way to restore their youthful look just like a facelift or eyelid surgery” said ASPS president Marlcom Roth.
“We also know that as more people see themselves on video chat technology, they may notice that their jaw line is not as sharp as they want it to be. Chin implants can make dramatic difference.”
A total of 10,593 men had the operation done in 2011 - a 76 percent increase over the prior year - and 10,087 women - 66 percent rise.
These implants are particularly popular among those over 40, the report says.
“We know that CEOs tend to be tall, attractive, good-looking people. We now know that these people also tend to have a stronger chin. As a result people subconsciously associate a stronger chin with authority, self-confidence and trustworthiness,” said Darrick Antell, an ASPS Member Surgeon based in New York City.
“I do a lot of video chats and I’m in a lot of photos and noticed that my double chin was very pronounced. It really, really bothered me. I wanted to do something about it to get a more profound profile and more definition in my chin area,” said Lisette Stephens, who recently underwent a chin implant.
Other cosmetic procedures that saw an increase in 2011 were: lip augmentation with an increase of 49%; cheek implant 47%; laser skin resurfacing 9%; soft tissue fillers 7% and facelift 5%.
Chin augmentation is done to balance out the face by making the chin longer or broader when compared to the nose. The most common risks include bruising, movement of the implant or swelling. Damage to the teeth and loss of feeling are other possible complications.