Cholesterol Medication Is Found To Also Treat Erectile Dysfunctions

Erectile dysfunction is a word that can make even the bravest of men weak at the knees. Thanks to modern day science this common disorder is more treatable than ever before and no longer means the end of your sex life. Viagra may be the first thing that comes to your mind when you picture treatment for the ailment, but a new study shows that cholesterol-lowering medication is also successful in improving erectile dysfunction by nearly 25 percent.
A team of researchers have discovered that satins, a popular cholesterol-lowering drug, also significantly improve erectile function. The new research will be presented at the American College of Cardiology’s 63rd Annual Scientific Session and published in the Journal of Sexual Medication today. Doctors hope that this discovery will help motivate men who need to take satins to control their cholesterol to be more consistent with their medication. In the study of men with both high cholesterol and erectile dysfunction, erectile functions were significantly increased by nearly 25 percent men who toke satins. “The increase in erectile function scores with satins was approximately one-third to one-half of what has been reported with drugs like Viagra, Cialis or Levitra, “explained John B. Kostis, lead investigator of the study, in a recent press release.
Experts believe that the cause of satin’s success with erectile problems lie in their ability to help blood vessels dilate properly. This, in turn, improves vascular flow to the penis. In men with erectile issues, this is often restricted. Before you run to your doctor requesting to be put on cholesterol lowering medication, it should be noted that satins are not recommended for use in already healthy males. Instead it is hoped that this added benefit will encourage men who need the medication to take it more regularly. Although many American men are prescribed satins to help lower their risk for heart disease, many take lower doses than the prescribed amount, or stop taking the medication all together.
Erectile dysfunction and cholesterol problems often go hand in hand. A recent study found that erectile dysfunction is often a clue to possible cardiovascular problems. Signs of erectile issues should prompt investigation into possible cardiovascular risks. This information suggests that it would make sense to advertise a medication to treat both ailments. Perhaps this added sexual benefit will motivate these individuals to more strictly take their medication.
“For men with erectile dysfunction who need statins to control cholesterol, this may be an extra benefit,” Kostis added. Erectile dysfunction affects an estimated 18 million to 30 and occurs most prevalently in men over the age of 40, according to figures given in the press release. Common causes include heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, smoking, depression, and stress. The study has promising results, but Kostis believes that more trials are needed before a definitive link can be made between erectile dysfunction and cholesterol medication.