Cotton Ball & Orange Juice Diet? Eddie Murphy’s Daughter Bria Reveals Surprising Lengths Models Go Through To Stay Thin

As the daughter of famous comedian Eddie Murphy and model-turned reality star Nicole Murphy, Bria Murphy had her eyes set on the spotlight from an early age. But she didn't anticipate how much scrutiny she would be under as she stepped from behind her parents and began building her own brand.
In a recent interview with ABC News, Murphy revealed that "there's a lot of pressure to be perfect." Now 23 years old, Murphy says she wanted to be a model her whole life. She had to overcome her shyness to get to where she is now, and credits her own determination for her burgeoning career.
"As I got older, I was like, 'Bria, you can't want to model and not want to be out there and be the center of attention. So you've got to get over your little fears of putting yourself out there,'" she said.
Murphy is currently the face of hair care product line Dark and Lovely and she has walked the runway for many well-known designers. She said that she does sometimes feel that it is especially important to stay thin, even though she describes herself as a "small girl naturally." Murphy also said that she has witnessed models doing some shocking things to stay skinny.
"Lots of girls get addicted to drugs and anorexia, it's - there's a whole list of things, because it's a lot of pressure to be perfect," she said. "I've heard of people eating the cotton balls with the orange juice ... they dip it in the orange juice and then they eat the cotton balls to help them feel full, because the cotton's not doing anything. It's just dissolving. And it makes you think you're full, but you're not."
Murphy said that a lot of models' bad habits stem from constant criticism about their physical appearance as they are cast for various ad campaigns, commercials, and fashion shows. She has also heard directors say that people's noses or butts are too big and their legs are "flabby." And, although Murphy says she brushes it off as part of the business, some designers and retailers have decided that enough is enough.
As The Huffington Post points out, retailers, designers, and fashion magazines — including H&M and Elle — are incorporating plus-sized models and fashions in their advertisements and on their covers.