This Couple's Reaction To Finding Out They Are Having Quadruplets Is Exactly What You Would Expect

After eight years of trying to become pregnant, Ashley and Tyson Gardner turned to in vitro fertilization (IVF) in hopes of welcoming a new member of the family. When the Gardner couple went to see their doctor following Ashley’s first round of IVF eagerly expecting one bun in the oven, they were shocked to find out they had four buns in the oven. Luckily, Alicia Hallock, a friend who happens to be a photographer, was at the ultrasound reveal and snapped some pretty memorable reaction photos.

“This is the story of our 8 year journey with infertility ending in an IVF treatment and now pregnant with quadruplets! We feel blessed beyond measure,” Ashley and Tyson said on their Facebook page. “We were so blessed to be able to do IVF the month of June! They put 2 eggs back and both split! That's right, we are having quadruplets! The odds of both eggs splitting are literally 1 in 1 million.”
A second ultrasound revealed that all four future Gardners, affectionately known as “The Quad Squad,” will be girls. All four Gardner girls are expected for around the end of December or the beginning of January, which should make for a perfect Christmas gift.

“Our battle with infertility was a long journey and we are so happy to finally be where we are,” Ashley told the BabyCenter via email. “The funny thing about us having four girls is that Tyson is the oldest of 10 kids and 8 are boys. This was the last thing anyone expected and everyone is so excited!”