David Schorr, an attorney in the Upper East Side of Manhattan, was deemed unfit to care for his 4-year-old son after he denied the youngster a trip to McDonald’s. The Manhattan Supreme Court came to its decision after psychiatrist Dr. Marilyn Schiller submitted a report stating Schorr was “wholly incapable of taking care of his son.”

During his weekly visitation appointment on Tuesday, Schorr and his son were deciding where they were going to eat dinner. When he denied his son a trip to the golden arches, the child grew upset and made his own decision that he would not eat anywhere accept for McDonald’s. Schorr did not argue further and took his son back to wife ex-wife, Bari Yunis Schorr.

Upon returning to his mother’s home, the young boy informed her that he had not received dinner while he was with his father. She immediately called Dr. Schiller, whom David Schorr is now suing with a defamation lawsuit. Schorr said the court-appointed psychiatrist only interviewed the mother and son and did not listen to his side of the story.

Schorr said he now realizes that caving into his son’s desire may have been the best option for someone currently dealing with a divorce. He said that the past two-and-a-half years of partial custody of his son have “run smoothly without incident.”

“I wish I had taken him to McDonalds, but you get nervous about rewarding bad behavior. I was concerned. I think it was a 1950s equivalent of sending your child to bed without dinner. That’s maybe the worst thing you can say about it,” Schorr told the New York Post. “It was just a standoff. I’m kicking myself mightily.”

Although Schorr regrets denying his son the saturated fat and calorie-packed fast food meal, recent studies suggest that more kids should be denied their Happy Meal. A team of researchers out of the Yale Rudd Center for Food Policy & Obesity examined children’s meals on 19 of America’s most popular fast-food chain menus.

According to the review’s findings, less than one percent of kids' meals at burger joints, including McDonald’s, Burger King and Wendy’s, met the Institute of Medicine’s national nutritional guidelines. Around three percent of kids' meals were on par with fast-food industries' nutritional guidelines. Overall, 33 meals marketed for children out of 5,400 combinations did not meet guidelines for nutritional standards.

“There were some improvements, but they have been small, and the pace too slow,” said Marlene Schwartz, director of the Rudd Center. “Without more significant changes, we are unlikely to see meaningful reductions in unhealthy fast food consumption by young people.”