As prominent Democrats and Republicans alike begin posturing for the 2016 presidential election, former top Clintonite John Podesta found occasion in recent days to criticize "Obamacare,” tweeting “Single payer anyone?”

Shortly after President Barack Obama concluded a press conference concerning continued technological problems with the federal healthcare exchange, Podesta —prominent lobbyist and former Clinton White House chief of staff — threw Obama “under the bus,” to use an expression popularized a generation ago. Podesta said he had no trouble signing up for Medicare, using a website.

Politico reported Tuesday that Podesta may soon assume leadership of super PAC Priorities USA as the organization transitions to supporting former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s potential run for president in 2016.

Earlier in the week, former president Bill Clinton criticized Obama directly with regard to the president’s broken promise to allow every American to keep his or her current healthcare insurance plan — an impossible promise given realities of the system.

“I personally believe, even if it takes a change to the law, the president should honor the commitment the federal government made to those people and let them keep what they got,” said Clinton in an interview on Tuesday.

And toward the left of both Clinton and Obama, Sen. Bernie Sanders, an independent of Vermont, told supporters by email that he’s considering a run for president, in part, to push for a single payer, Medicare-for-all system of universal healthcare, one that would obviate market problems threatening the model brought by the Affordable Healthcare Act. Under the present system, the federal healthcare exchange, via website or telephone sign-up, must attract a sufficient proportion of young, healthy enrollees to support a viable insurance pool.

“Our system doesn’t make economic sense, and it certainly doesn’t make moral sense,” Sanders said in an earlier statement. “It is incomprehensible that drug companies still get away with charging Americans twice as much — or more — than citizens of Canada or Europe for the exact same drugs manufactured by the exact same companies. It is an outrage that insurers still want to hike premiums by as much as 60 percent a year on individual policyholders.”

Meanwhile, Democrats and Republicans alike are demanding technological, if not political, solutions to the current system. In a hearing Tuesday of the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee subpanel hearing, Rep. Diana DeGette, a Democrat from Colorado, said the “exchanges need to be fixed, and they need to be fixed fast.” Yet, she qualified her critique by saying, “We should not create smoke if there’s no fire," according to CBS News.

DeGette and a couple of other Democrats at the hearing also complained that Republican leaders had withheld documents from them about the botched healthcare exchange rollout, first providing the information to journalists. Those documents detailed an analysis conducted months ago by McKinsey & Co. predicting problems with the impending rollout — due to excessive reliance on contractors for the website, failures to communicate, and too little time for testing.

However, the president still has some friends. Left-wing magazine Mother Jones posted on Tuesday that Obamacare does in fact work, in the other 24 states using functional websites for healthcare insurance exchange. But with regard to the federal used by 36 states, Vice President Joe Biden today strived to sound positive, The Washington Beacon reported. “The truth is, we’re going to fix it,” he said, later adding,“God willing."