From alopecia to other hair loss issues, men and women have endured varying levels of hair loss. Hair loss is defeating, exhausting, and can really take a toll on one’s self esteem. Scientists and researchers have come up with an amazing, pain-free, convenient, non-invasive hair growth treatment, laser caps for hair loss. Laser caps are a popular trending hair loss treatment on the market today that actually works. So then why do so many still ask the question.. Do laser caps really work?

Well, today we dive in to help answer this question. So, if you’re sick of feeling defeated by your hair loss, or just want overall healthier hair, read on while we’ll uncover the amazing technology behind these laser caps.

Low-Level Light Therapy: The Science Behind Laser Caps

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Light emitted from the lasers stimulates hair growth and reduces hair loss. From Kiierr

Low-level light therapy (LLLT), also known as cold laser therapy, photobiomodulation, low-intensity light therapy, and soft laser therapy, was discovered in the 1960s by a Hungarian physician named Endre Mester. LLLT is a form of therapy that applies low-level lasers or light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to the surface of the body.

Dr. Mester started a series of tests on mice while applying LLLT technology. The mice were shaved, and the tests were intended to detect if the lasers caused cancer in animals. Mester’s conclusions proved that laser therapy did not cause cancer. Instead, it created new hair growth where the mice had been shaved. As this technology developed and more tests were performed, Dr. Mester’s work created a safe and effective method for growing hair on humans.

The scientific principle for LLLT is that light emitted from the lasers stimulates hair growth and reduces hair loss. This process is called photobiomodulation and occurs when laser light is absorbed by the cells and stimulates their metabolism and protein synthesis.

Laser Caps for Hair Loss: How They Work

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How do laser caps work? From Kiierr

Laser caps are the new trendy high-end device on the market that use low-level light therapy to treat hair loss. But how do these laser cap devices really work?

  • Stimulate Skin Tissue- The lasers emit low light therapy to the skin’s tissue on the scalp. As a result, blood flow is stimulated to the scalp tissue to reduce inflammation and begins to circulate throughout the head. Blood flow circulation transports the essential oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicles and results in cell regeneration in the problematic (thinning) areas of the hair.
  • Cell Absorption and Protein Synthesis - According to Kiierr’s do laser caps work page, low-level laser light energy penetrates the skin, the weakened cells on the scalp absorb the light. This rejuvenates the scalp and allows for new hair to grow.
  • Regenerates Hair Follicle Cells - When the hair follicle cells are regenerated, the hair is “brought back to life” from the dormant (telogen) stage of the hair growth cycle into the healthy growth (anagen) phase.

Low-Level Laser Therapy (red light therapy) Used For Decades To Safely Treat Ailments

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Red Light Therapy From Kiierr

That’s right. According to Healthline, uses of red light therapy include the following:

  • pain
  • inflammation
  • healing
  • tissue regeneration
  • autoimmune diseases
  • brain disorders
  • athletic performance
  • eyesight
  • heating
  • cancer therapy side effects

Therefore we shouldn’t be afraid of this technology when it comes to newly formed methods of treating hair loss such as laser caps.

Why Laser Caps are the Best Option for Hair Loss - FDA-Cleared (Safe & Effective)

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Researches have proven laser caps to be effective in hair growth. From Kiierr

Clinically proven to treat hair loss, devices like the Kiierr Laser Hair Cap are FDA-Cleared to safely use low-level light therapy and have helped thousands of men and women to take back their confidence by giving them thicker healthier hair. Without a doubt, it’s the most convenient hair loss device on the market today.

They’re discreetly designed using a ball cap to strengthen and lengthen existing hair follicles, making them one of the best hair growth treatments available. Kiierr laser caps have almost 500 positive reviews and many great before/after customer images on their website.

Laser Cap Real Customer Reviews Don’t Lie

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Before and After From Kiierr

Before/after pictures like these (taken from from Kiierr laser cap customers are extremely impressive, with hair loss issues ranging from receding hairlines to alopecia. Many laser cap reviews mention how happy their significant other is with their laser cap, that they ended up buying one for themselves too.


If you’re looking for a natural, effective, convenient hair loss treatment that actually works, try a laser cap to help regrow and attain that healthy head of hair you’ve been dreaming about. Laser caps for hair loss have proved to beat some of the most popular hair growth treatments, such as topical ointments, hair loss surgery, and harsh medications. They’re 100% natural & FDA-Cleared for safe, effective treatment for men and women.

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