Michael Jackson’s life could have been saved with just a "chin lift" because it was most likely his that his tongue was blocking his throat in his last moments, an expert testified Wednesday at the trial of Jackson’s personal physician Conrad Murray.

Dr. Steven Shafer, a world known anesthesiology expert, blamed Murray for being "quite clueless" about what to do after discovering that Jackson had stopped breathing on June 25, 2009.

"Michael Jackson was trying to breathe, but the tongue had fallen in the back of the throat," Shafer said. "Either a simple chin lift, just that alone, or an oral airway to move the tongue out of the way might well have been all that was required to save his life."

Instead Dr. Murray performed CPR on Jackson, trying to revive his heart - although experts had testified that it was still beating at that time - and waited some time before calling paramedics.

Shafer said that if Murray had called 911 earlier, Jackson could have survived although with "neurological injury."

On Wednesday Shafer further blamed Murray's case for damaging physician's reputation as well as that of the drug propofol.

"I felt [coming to testify] a need to help restore confidence that physicians put patients first," he said.

"I am asked every day, 'Are you going to give me the drug that killed Michael Jackson?'" Shafer said. "This is a fear patients do not need to have."

Murray failed to have proper equipment and staff needed when the drug propofol is administered to someone, according to Shafer and other experts that have testified in the trial.

To back this explanation Shafer showed jurors a video of an actor pretending to go into cardiac arrest and doctors and nurses reviving him with the proper equipment.

Defense lawyers had opposed to showing the video to jurors saying it was a "terrifying dramatization of a person experiencing cardiac arrest, complete with visual effects."

But Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor allowed the video to be played though he asked to edit scenes that were not necessary.

Murray has pleaded not guilty to the involuntary manslaughter charge and could face up to four years in prison and the loss of his medical license.

Jackson, dubbed the King of Pop, died at age 50 from an overdose of propofol and various sedatives.